Cathodic protection system by sacrificial anode method

Cathodic protection system by sacrificial anode method

In the sacrificial cathodic protection method, a galvanic cell is created by connecting a more active metal to the metal that is to be protected, and the oxidation reaction is concentrated in it, and the corrosion of the cathode is prevented. In this type of protection, according to the composition of the anode, Of them, there are limitations in environments with high specific resistance and high current.
Cathodic protection system using sacrificial anodes or active anodes is one of the common methods of cathodic protection. In this method, anodes that are made of metals with the highest electrochemical potential compared to the cathode metal are used. These anodes work sacrificially and are exposed to corrosion to protect the cathode metal from corrosion.
When the active anode is exposed to corrosion, an electric current flows through it, sacrificing its metal instead of the cathode metal. This process is known as anodic oxidation. By doing this, the cathode metal is isolated from direct contact with the electrolytic environment and protected from corrosion.
Some of the metals used in sacrificial anodes include zinc, magnesium, aluminum, and zinc alloys such as zinc-corrosion alloys. It is necessary to choose the right anode based on the electrolytic environment, operating conditions and its physical and chemical properties.
The use of sacrificial anodes in the cathodic protection system is generally used in the oil, gas, petrochemical, water and sewage and construction industries.


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